About me

My name is Miriam Pérez Vega, I am a young Austrian women living since 2011 in Las Tablas, Panama.


I first used the menstrual cup in 2010 an since then never even thought in using disposable products again.


In 2010 I registered my own retailer shop for menstrual cups and fabric made sanitary towels  in Austria and in 2011 in Panama. Since then I informed thousands of women (and men...) about the healty alternatives for female hygiene giving workshops, participating in local radio programs, markets and I have written articles for female jounals and diversal web pages.


My wish for the women in Panama is, that they know about the existance of menstrual cups and fabric sanitary towels and are able to choose their favourite product and so be healtier and consequently happier.


Please do not hesitate to contact me for any information about healty female hygiene.


Miriam Pérez Vega